Bingley Grammar School 1964/65
December 2020
This is my form at Bingley Grammar School. 1H I think we were. 17 girls and 11 boys. Four classes in the year. I'm on the back row, second from the right. Obviously I liked my swimming badges. Lots of very familiar faces, but very few names spring to mind. Roger Gasson, Kathy Yates, Paul Garbutt, Kathleen Whiting and Ray/Rae Garnett are there (I think).
I was only there for one year, but I seem to remember having a good time. My brother Michael (Micky Allen) was in the 5th Year, which offered me some protection. At least I never had the experience of having my head put down a toilet prior to a good flushing. Cross-country running is a painful memory, which I seem to recall ended in tears. Rugby was better. I also remember enjoying canoeing in the summer term and the school bus to Eldwick.
Bingley Grammar School was founded in 1529, though I don't think I had any sense of that history when I was there.